New Compilation out
Beijing Underground Music Compilation No2 “Music in the time of Covid-19 北京地下音乐合集2Covid-19时期的音乐”
In the last month or so I have helped to gather music from musicians living in Beijing, China, or having a relation to it.
This compilation was created during the time of Covid-19. Other artists formerly playing music in China have also contributed. We hope you’ll enjoy the music.
This amazing cover was drawn by hand with Chinese ink on paper by South Korean artist Zuihui Ghang. The picture was taken by French photographer Romain L. Special thanks to Nitas for lending us his place.
Zuhui Ghang is an illustrator who is currently living in BJ, a former Taekwondo player, now a mother of two.

We hope you like the music.
Djang San.
We also have another compilation, check it out here.
Cover by Dominic Turcotte, who is an illustrator and musician living in Beijing,