北京地下的冬天音乐日第一部分:The Beijing Underground’s Sweet Winter Music Days part 1.

Spread on 3 different days (18 January, 19 January and 20 January) The Beijing Underground’s Sweet Winter Music Days goal is to celebrate music in a different way.

北京地下的冬天音乐日:The Beijing Underground’s Sweet Winter Music Days.


Tydi Knots: 

Tydi Knots is Rudi and Tyron. Combining the classical influences with their already experimental rock sounds, they create a new soundscape that crosses various genres. Playing as a 2 piece they have a large sound and also play various sets and interpretations of their original songs. A unique show that is both enticing and intimate exciting as well as memorable. Their sound is difficult to set to a genre as they draw inspiration and influences from all various genres and styles of music, but the band’s musical style can be described as a mix between alternative, indie pop, rock, post rock, ambient and experimental rock.

Russian Roulette:

Russian roulette is a middle school punk band from Beijing. Since its establishment in 2016, the band has survived hardly because their songs are sick, performances are bad. But they have lots of fans for their All-in performance every time. You will never know what would happen during the drunk boys’ destroying performances. Their music is a mix between punk and classic rock music of the 1970s…

Come to the show to meet them and know them 🙂

北京middle school朋克乐队。自2016年成立以来一直苟活在北京的地下摇滚圈,演黄了一个又一个live house,成为了当之无愧的北京难听之王。尽管很难听,还是受到了人们的喜爱,因为看他们的演出就像看马戏,你永远不知道醉酒后的他们会做出什么令人发指的事儿来。从他们身上你会看到70年代的胡逼,80年代的华丽,90年代的进步和00年代的先进。

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