Chengdu 成都
Djang San 张思安
“Djang San, whose real name is Jean-Sébastien Héry, is a renowned French artist on the Chinese music scene. Far from Chinese pop and the Anglo-Saxon variety broadcast on radio stations, this Bordeaux resident has developed an unclassifiable style. He himself defines his music as an “interstellar cross between Western, Chinese culture, classical music, rock, jazz, electro and experimental music. “
张思安的真名是让 – 塞巴斯蒂安·艾利,是一个被中国乐坛熟知的法国艺术家。这个波尔 多人的音乐,与广播中的欧美和华语流行乐大相径庭,其曲风独一无二。他形容自己的音 乐“处在中西方文化的交汇点,也处在古典、摇滚、爵士、电子和实验音乐的交汇点上”。
The Mountain Junkies
Born in the highlands of the land of Great Reason, The Mountain Junkies is a transcendent DJ duo who haunts the valley. Legend has it that they are as old as the universe itself. Guided by the force of nature, they soak up this mysterious energy and transmit it onto the dance floor. Their music is an alchemical blend of ethnic sounds associated with the rhythms of electronic music, disco and techno. This is how they seek to open the doors of perception to curious minds in order to accompany them to new levels of consciousness. Let go of your ego and let yourself be taken on a musical and cosmic journey. Alone between heaven and earth, dance with The Mountain Junkies to the highest peaks.
诞生于时代的顶峰,山瘾派对是一个卓越的DJ二人组合,他们的音乐响彻深谷,有传言说他们的音乐和这个宇宙一样古老。被自然洗礼启发着,他们将这些纯洁的能量化作他们的音乐语言带到舞池,结合world electro, shamanic disco, organic techno, 我们希望大家可以激活碰撞出新的意识层面。放下自我,开启一段音乐和宇宙之旅。独自在天地之间,跟随山瘾派对起舞,让他们在你自我成就的道路上助你一臂之力。
Mhend is a young singer-songwriter from Strasbourg. Falling in love with the atmosphere of Chengdu, he settled there. This city then became a new source of inspiration and creativity. In 2019, he participated in a Music Festival in Chengdu, during which he met with great success with the public. This year he will present new compositions and collaborations!
Monkey Legion
Created in 2009, the group Monkey Legion won the national “Midi” championship in 2012. Ranked among the nu metal bands, Monkey Legion does not want us to stop at this definition. In 2013, they integrated a new instrument within the group, the saxophone, making them the first nu metal group to integrate this instrument. In 2016, Monkey Legion performed at SUMMERSONIC, the biggest music festival in Asia.
猴子军团成立于2009年,2012年一举夺得迷笛全国校园乐队大赛总冠军,但他们并不满足,不想被新金属定义,他们想做别人想不到的音乐。2013他们年奇思妙想地加入了管乐器萨克斯,随后发展成了唯一拥有萨克斯的多元Nu-metal乐队。2016年更是登上亚洲最大音乐节SUMMER SONIC的舞台。你根本来不及准备,他们就已点燃整个现场,开始大闹天宫。
Fake Gentle
Fake Gentle est un groupe de musique électronique originaire de Chengdu (Chine) formé par deux artistes indépendantes, Li Jing (claviers, basses) et Wang Xiaoxue (chant, guitare, batterie). Leurs compositions s’inspirent de la musique classique et de la pop contemporaine. Leurs compositions, affranchies, prônent la liberté et l’indépendance des femmes, l’égalité des sexes dans la société.
Après de nombreuses collaborations, elles enregistrent en 2019 leur premier album à San Francisco. Cet album, « Whose World », reflète leur univers musical et leurs voix féministes singulières.
猴子军团成立于2009年,2012年一举夺得迷笛全国校园乐队大赛总冠军,但他们并不满足,不想被新金属定义,他们想做别人想不到的音乐。2013他们年奇思妙想地加入了管乐器萨克斯,随后发展成了唯一拥有萨克斯的多元Nu-metal乐队。2016年更是登上亚洲最大音乐节SUMMER SONIC的舞台。你根本来不及准备,他们就已点燃整个现场,开始大闹天宫。
NEOS 纽斯乐队
Originally the style of NEOS was inspired by black American music, fusing elements of funk, neo soul, jazz fusion, hip-hop, etc. These various inspirations give their music a somewhat retro flavor. The themes covered in their songs, on the city, the universe, space and the future, make them a group very much anchored in our contemporary universe. The single Ocean Drive launched in 2019 by the group created a buzz. In 2020, the single Cavalier de la Comète, climbed to 38th place of the 100 best songs in Mandarin of the year, ranking established by famous music critic Er Di.
NEOS的风格以黑人音乐为主,融合了Funk、Neo Soul、Fusion、Hip-Hop等元素。在多种元素的碰撞之下,NEOS 的音乐呈现出了一种迷人的复古味道。此外,他们的歌曲也不乏对摩登都市、银河宇宙和赛博未来的畅想,这也为NEOS的音乐增添了几分现代感。2019年12月17日发行首发单曲《蓝莓气泡》当日评论数突破999+。他们的单曲《彗星骑手》被知名乐评人耳帝评选为2020年华语年度100首最佳歌曲之一,排名第38位。
舞力全开 Just Dance
Le jeux interactif Just Dance qui viendra en interlude apportera la touche ludique, en ligne et sur grand écran, dans les différentes salles de concert partenaires.
时间 / Date:
2021年6月12日 – 6.12
16:00 – 21:00 – 16h-21h
地点 / Place: 洛带古镇五凤楼广场
Wufenglou Square,Luodai,Chengdu
免费参加 – Free entry
Scan the QR code for your reservation
Kunming 昆明
Red Armband 红袖标乐队
The Red Armband group won the award for best hope at the Yunnan New Power rock group competition in 2016. It has toured in many music festivals: Dream, Asia micro film festival, Tangguo international music festival, Sino-Burmese International Music Festival, Evergrande Starlight Music Festival, Tuborg Music Festival, Peacock Sky and New Orange Music Festival. The group is known for its festival performances. The group is made up of Tan Peng on drums, Chong Chong on guitar, Zhu Xueliang on bass and vocalist Mr. Tian.
Djang San + Band 张思安与乐队
“Djang San, whose real name is Jean-Sébastien Héry, is a renowned French artist on the Chinese music scene. Far from Chinese pop and the Anglo-Saxon variety broadcast on radio stations, this Bordeaux resident has developed an unclassifiable style. He himself defines his music as an “interstellar cross between Western, Chinese culture, classical music, rock, jazz, electro and experimental music. “
张思安的真名是让 – 塞巴斯蒂安·艾利,是一个被中国乐坛熟知的法国艺术家。这个波尔 多人的音乐,与广播中的欧美和华语流行乐大相径庭,其曲风独一无二。他形容自己的音 乐“处在中西方文化的交汇点,也处在古典、摇滚、爵士、电子和实验音乐的交汇点上”。
时间 / Date:2021年6月13日 – 20:00 – 21:50 – 6.13 – 20h-21h50
地点 / Place: 昆明新迎新城 – Living Mall, Kunming 中国云南省昆明市盘龙区新迎路182号
182,Xin Ying Road, Pan Long District, Kunming
免费参加 Free Entry
Telle Arts School en collaboration avec l’Alliance française de Kunming célèbre la Fête de la Musique
Pour cette première édition de la fête de la musique à Kunming, « Telle Arts School » met à la portée de tous le répertoire français : des chansons à l’opéra en passant par le piano. Les interprètes sauront vous faire apprécier la musique classique française ! « Telle Arts School » se concentre principalement sur l’enseignement du piano. Elle contribue à créer une plateforme pour les échanges musicaux et le partage de méthodes d’enseignement avec plus d’enfants et plus d’amateurs de musique.
时间 / Date:2021年6月13日
19:00 – 19:30 – 6.13 – 19h-19h30
地点 / Place: 特别乐艺术学校
Telle Arts School : 中国云南省昆明市盘龙区新迎路182号新迎新城8栋3楼
B8-F3, Living Mall, 182,Xin Ying Road, Pan Long District, Kunming
免费参加 Free Entry