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Cover by Nina Dillenz and Victor Spang Arthursson
Atelier II
a t e l i e r || Is a duo experimenting with abstract electronic sounds. Their music can be described as an intense and immersive experience. The genre it often belongs is ambient music / drone / industrial.

The duo will soon release a cassette and a digital format 40 minutes piece via Detroit Underground
l a b e l [ U S ] c a l l e d E n v i r o n m e n t s 3 9 [ ]. but they are an independent act at the moment. a t e l i e r || is based in Beijing. a t e l i e r || 是⼀一个实验抽象电⼦子声⾳音的⼆二⼈人组。 他们的⾳音乐可以被描述为⼀一种激烈烈⽽而沉浸式的体验。类型是环境⾳音乐 / 蜂鸣 / ⼯工业。 他们将在底特律律地下标签 [US] 发布⼀一个40分钟的录⾳音带和数字格式,称为环境39 [],a t e l i e r ||
是⼀一个独⽴立的组合, 驻于北北京。
Eric Allen

Eric Allen’s self-titled, debut LP, Eric Allen, is a slice of Americana borne of memories, loss, and hope. All the tracks were recorded as entirely acoustic, without drums, electric guitar, or electric bass. These songs were written by Eric during 2018 and 2019, and draw from blues, folk, and outlaw country. The LP includes songs about life on the road (All on Death Row, Holy Rollin’), hope (Night Falls Again), and longing (She Waits). Many tracks, including Rattlesnake Mama and Stillhouse Blues, are influenced by the songwriter’s southern ancestral roots.
This LP is dedicated in three respects: First and foremost to the memory of the artist’s father, Yancey, a musician and factory worker about whom the song 40 Years was written; second to Eric’s sister’s home that burned in the 2018 Malibu fires (which inspired Really Miss); and third to the artist’s adopted home of New York City (which inspired In Me).
Eric Allen《Eric Allen (艾力克・阿兰)》 专辑简介
Eric Allen (艾力克 阿兰)的同名唱片Eric Allen是他的首张专辑,表达他对于故乡美国的深情怀念,内容包含回忆、失去和希望。所有歌曲均用原声乐器录制,未使用鼓、电吉他或电贝司。这些歌曲是Eric 于2018年和2019年创作,形式有布鲁斯、民谣、叛道乡村等。歌曲表现出人在旅途 (All on Death Row, Holy Rollin’), 希冀 (Night Falls Again)和盼望 (She Waits)等情感。大多歌曲,包括Rattlesnake Mama 和 Stillhouse Blues等,深受创作者的家乡–美国南部文化的影响。
这张唱片首先要献给创作者的父亲Yancey,他是一位音乐人和工人,歌曲40 Years 就是对他的回忆。其次献给毁于2018年加利福尼亚大火的Eric 妹妹位于Malibu的房子,它是Really Miss的灵感来源。最后,这张唱片也献给艺术家的第二故乡–纽约(In Me )。

DJ / producer, master of shinobitsu. Losing interest in traditional club dance music after a long career as a DJ; Therefore, I devoted myself to the performance of traditional music and the creation of experimental music. Music style is also inclined to the fusion of “Japanese experimental electronics” and “Japanese traditional music” in the 1980s. The control of music became more personal after suffering from major depression.
Boss Cuts

“We are a surf rock band based in Beijing. In May 2017 we had our first performance and since then we have had more than 50 shows. We were surprised by the response as Beijing tends to focus on what I consider to be modern styles of music like punk, metal, indie, and post-rock. Music from the 1950s and early 1960s like r&b, rockabilly and surf is underrepresented. My aim is for Boss Cuts to help fill that void.”

Mei Jun Bing is a synth-punk project made by Ben Le Millionnaire (based in Wuhan, China) combining elements of dark wave and synthwave with the energy of punk music. Mei Jun Bing is influenced by synth punk, Neue Deutsche Welle, post-punk and punk music.

Feardrops is a music project created by members of Pet Conspiracy and Junks !
Poetry x Music

Poetry x Music combines the original poetry of Anthony Tao with original compositions on the classical guitar by Liane Halton. They currently have two albums and a five-piece band. For more information, check out
The Insufficent Funs

American guitarist Namsung, Italian bassist, Sandro Cagnin, and French drummer Philippe Semanaz met in Kunming, China.
On their second disc, “Seven Deadly Sins”, the Kunming band INSUFFICIENT FUNS lean on the solid sound of their previous work, but explore some new territory, refining their technique and improving harmonies.
“On their second disc, “Seven Deadly Sins”, the Kunming band INSUFFICIENT FUNS lean on the solid sound of their previous work, but explore some new territory, refining their technique and improving harmonies.
The lyrics throughout the disc outline introspective investigations, disenchanted glances on a cold and anonymous society, cries of liberation from invisible chains, reflections on moments of sweetness and intimacy to be sought within distinct and opaque scenarios. The tone of bassist Cagnin’s voice over the years becomes more and more secure. Namsung’s guitar masterfully faces the challenges that the album’s research offers and finally Semanaz’s percussions abandon the simple rhythmic task for the objectives of originality and refinement of the power-trio sound. Happy listening!” – Mike Bishop review
The What Band

Once upon a time in Beijing there was a bar called the What Bar, I used to go there sometimes and play or jam with the What Band, this is also where I saw Carsick Cars playing live, it must have been 2007 I think….
Located on the West Gate of the forbidden city, the What bar unfortunately closed in 2016.
Anyways, they agreed to make this track for us, so…enjoy 🙂
什么?WHAT 是一个集音乐创作,乐队表演,举办演出,唱片制作于一体的独立艺术团体。什么乐队曲风融合另类民谣、迷幻、爵士、哥特、放克、雷鬼、民乐、噪音、戏剧、行为艺术、即兴演奏为一炉,其成果就是长达近30分钟的作品《什么壹》2001年2016年在北京开办什么?WHAT LIVE HOUSE已成为中国现存古董级原创音乐活动阵地。
“What?” WHAT is an independent art group that integrates music creation, band performances, performances, and record production. “What?” combines alternative folk songs, psychedelic, jazz, gothic, funk, reggae, folk music, noise, drama, performance art, and improvisation.

Steve Buchanan

Born in Philadelphia, United States. Based in Geneva, Switzerland. Early studies: Pat Martino, Marshall Allen, Elliott Levin, Bobby Zankel, Milford Graves, Denise Bey, Ife Tayo Das Sol. Intensive movement studies : Ballet, Cunningham, Graham, Limon, Haitian, Afro-Cuban, Guinean, Nigerian, Congolese, Senegalese.
Steve Buchanan has the rare distinction of having made a name for himself professionally in two fields, music and dance respectively. He has been what is presently called a transdisciplinary or multi disciplinary artist since the 1970’s. He presented his first multi-disciplinary work on a grant from Ile-Ife muesam in Philadelphia in 1977 “Cybernetic Primal Therapy” (6 musicians, 8 drummers, 6 dancers, 23 radios, 2 play back loops). He has also been a player of what is in current venacular called ‘NOISE MUSIC’ since the 1970″s. As well as playing alto sax and guitar He is also the inventor of the 2nd Line Tranz Danz Floor. A digital interface instrument on which he creates music by dancing. With this instrument he has performed worldwide fascinating audiences young and old alike on every continent.
stage and/or studio with : (short list)
Tatsuya Yoshida,Butch Morris,Ron Anderson,Fred Frith,Heike Fiedler, Sun Ra, Robert Musso, Mark Dresser, Hans Koch, Martin Schutz, David Moss, Jon Rose, Antoine Chessex, Mark Sanders, Joszef Trefeli, Nicole Johanntgen, Coco Zhao, Paed Conca, Simon Berz, Guy Bettini, Louis Schild, Gilles Aubry, Ania Losinger, Mike Cooper, Frank Crijns, Stephen Haynes, Ray Anderson, Ellen Chrystie, William Parker, Tom Bruno, Min Tanaka, Derek Bailey, Nicholas Field, ZU, Elliott Levin, 1024 Architecture, Patricia Parker, Paul Garrin, Bit-Tuner, Ti Qao Li, Deng Boyu…

蒋玮从陕西来到北京, 进入迷笛音乐学校专修贝斯专业. 是著名朋克乐队瑞王坟的贝斯手. 擅长驾驭各种不同的音乐风格.
马二从13岁拿起吉他, 后只身来到北京, 担任过鼓手, 吉他手, 贝斯手和主唱. 正是这种多元的经历才造就了她对音乐创作和编配的独到见解.
我们都有自己的职业, 绝非因为我们不想花时间在音乐上, 而是因为我们都是爱音乐的孩子, 为了能够让我们的音乐梦想继续下去, 我们必须认真地生活, 我们的音乐就是来自我们生活的点点滴滴.
我们没有死磕, 不代表我们是一支玩票的乐队. 这只能代表音乐已经成为我们生命的一部分, 只要我们活着, 我们就会认真体会生命的奇迹, 用音乐表达我们最真实的想法. 我们共同的目标就是要像Bob Dylan一样, 70岁还站在舞台上!
Jiang Wei came to Beijing from Shaanxi and entered the Midi School of Music specializing in bass. He is the bassist of the famous punk band Ruiwangfen. He is good at controlling various music styles. Ma Er picked up the guitar at the age of 13, and later came to Beijing alone, where she worked as a drummer, guitarist, bassist and vocalist. It is this diverse experience that has created her unique insights into music creation and arrangements. “We all have our own careers, not because we don’t want to spend time on music, but because we are all children who love music. In order to continue our musical dreams, we must live seriously. Our music comes from The bits and pieces of our lives. We are not dead, it does not mean that we are a playing band. This can only mean that music has become a part of our lives. As long as we live, we will seriously experience the miracle of life and express our truest thoughts with music. Our common goal is to be like Bob Dylan, still standing on stage at the age of 70!”
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