The Loreli Affordable Art Market !
Held on the 20 of January afternoon at Yue Space before the music kicks in, the Loreli Market is a great way to find out about Beijing based artists as well !
Anna Gale is an American illustrator/painter/zinester/print maker residing in Beijing. Her works range from one-off hand-painted patches, postcard and poster prints to zines. She is heavily influenced by the art of traditional tattoo design, and day-to-day sketches, portraits, and doodles. The newest addition to her collection is the first issue of a zine titled “Bury the Bone”, which takes you on a journey to places you’ve been, only heard of, or never known to exist.
Liuba Draws is an independent artist/illustrator from Russia based in Beijing. Living in Beijing for more than four years now, it has become a new home for Liuba, with amazing experiences and a deep love for a city, which she wants to share with everyone. People both visiting or living in China are excited to discover all the quirky things they love about this country hidden in the art of Liuba Draws.
Liuba Draws 是独立插画师/艺术家,来自俄罗斯住北京。Liuba主要使⽤用⽔水粉画的形式和技巧来表现她眼中的北北京⽂文化和北北京⼈人。经过6年年有余的北北京⽣生活,这⾥里里俨然已经成为了了Liuba的第⼆二故乡。带着对这个城市深切的热爱,她决定通过⾃自⼰己的画笔与⼤大家分享这份深情。⽆无论你是否了了解北北京 — Liuba的笔触都能带着你的视⻆角纵览这个⽂文化与⺠民俗兼容并蓄的千年年古城。
Aurélien Foucault is a photographer whose style oscillates between documentary and fine art. The wide range of his work may take you from late-night punk bars to artistic nudes or the peaceful mountains of Xinjiang.
Fei Fei is an illustrator and artist living and working in Beijing.
Kambina Elena.
Painter, drawer, artist of performance, installations, video-art, curator. Participant of many international exhibitions and projects.