Fête de la Musique Festival in Wuhan !

由江城首发,落地中国十五载,如今这一源于法国的音乐盛典已经完美融入大江南北的夏日风景。夏至音乐日再次回归,到访广州、开平、丽江、沈阳和武汉五座城市,也成为每年中法文化之春的重头戏之一。 Lancée il y a 15 ans en Chine à Wuhan, la Fête de la Musique fait battre, chaque année, dans le cadre du Festival Croisements en juin, le cœur des spectatrices et spectateurs de nombreuses villes chinoises, avec un programme électrique et des concerts éclectiques mixant jeunes talents, rythmes survoltants et croisements électro et classique.

Launched 15 years ago in China in Wuhan, the Fête de la Musique makes the hearts of spectators in many Chinese cities beat, every year, as part of the Festival Croisements in June, with an electric program and eclectic concerts. mixing young talents, boosting rhythms and electro and classical crossovers.   2022年,夏至音乐日武汉站的演出将于6月17日和6月18日举行,6组风格迥异的中法乐队将在连续两个夏天傍晚带来免费的户外演出,向女性乐手和多元的音乐美学致敬。炎炎初夏,和能量满满的音浪岂止是绝配? A Wuhan, cette année, honneur aux groupes féminins et à la diversité des esthétiques musicales. Rendez-vous le 17 et 18 juin 2021, à Wushang Mall et à Wuhan Tiandi, où la FDLM wuhanaise accueillera, en plein air, pour deux concerts gratuits, 6 groupes de musique chinois et français de styles différents.

In Wuhan, this year, honor to female groups and the diversity of musical aesthetics. See you on June 17 and 18, 2021, at Wushang Mall and Wuhan Tiandi, where the Wuhan FDLM will host, outdoors, for two free concerts, 6 Chinese and French music groups of different styles.     今年独一无二的音乐梦境由伊塔、张思安、秘密行动、假斯文、荷尔蒙小姐和山瘾派对联合带来。充满活力的鼓点和节奏,穿梭于电子和经典之间的韵律,独特的表演风格,丰富的听觉冲击,一张节目单悉数囊括——音乐爱好者们的热情将再次被点燃!需要注意的是,演出阵容请以现场为准哦! Au programme (provisoire), une série de performances uniques, un cocktail de sons, un bol d’énergie : Fake Gentles, The Hormones, Stolen, ETA, Djang San et The Mountain Junkies. 

On the (provisional) program, a series of unique performances, a cocktail of sounds, a bowl of energy: Fake Gentles, The Hormones, Stolen, ETA, Djang San and The Mountain Junkies.   对于无法亲临现场的观众来说,福利来了! 法国驻华大使馆文化处官方账号“法国文化”微博、微信视频号及哔哩哔哩也将直播两场活动,提前关注锁定直播噢! Vous pourrez également suivre ces deux événements en direct via les comptes officiels Weibo, Wechat vidéo et Bilibili « Faguowenhua ».

You will also be able to follow these two events live via the official Weibo, Wechat video and Bilibili “Faguowenhua” accounts.


The famous legendary band ETA, with a mix of country jazz, disco, R&B and a mesmerizingly cool star lead singer, will light up the night sky of the city, and their music will rock the dance floor as long as they play Carnival moment.

在中国生活逾二十年的法国音乐人Djang San(张思安)将再次来到武汉,这次他将带来今年在云南丽江大研纳西古乐会创作驻留期间收获的全新灵感,将这一拥有自己文字、方言和音乐风格的少数民族风情和电音、摇滚相结合,依旧用中式乐器中阮、琵琶演绎实验性音乐。

French musician Djang San (Zhang Si’an), who has lived in China for more than 20 years, will come to Wuhan again. This time, he will bring the new inspirations he gained during his creative residency at the Dayan Naxi Ancient Music Society in Lijiang, Yunnan this year. The ethnic minority music having its own characteristics, dialects and musical styles will be combined with electronic music and rock by Djang San who uses Chinese musical instruments such as Zhongruan and Pipa to perform an advanced music mix.


Secret Action (Stolen) is from Chengdu and consists of five Chinese musicians and a video jockey (VJ) from France. Their music combines the wildness and sensibility of traditional rock with the sanity and restraint of electronic music. Booming rhythms, brilliant guitar and synth passages will lead us into a dangerous and sexy universe.

由李艺晨和王小雪组建的女子双人电音组合假斯文(Fake Gentle)成立于成都,她们的现场融合了数码电子(Techno),浩室电子(House),合成流行(Synth Pop)以及经典摇滚乐。既充满激情和能量,也不乏精妙的律动和迷幻的旋律;既能在音乐节的大型舞台上引发合唱,也能在地下的电子音乐俱乐部舞池中制造高潮。

Fake Gentle, a female electronic music duo formed by Li Yichen and Wang Xiaoxue, was established in Chengdu. Their live scene was a fusion of digital electronics (Techno), house electronics (House), synth pop (Synth Pop) and classic rock. Full of passion and energy, but also subtle grooves and psychedelic melodies; it can spark a chorus on a large stage at a music festival or create a climax on the dance floor of an underground electronic music club.
生活在中国南方,大理附近群山中的The Mountain Junkies(山瘾派对)是一对优秀的中法DJ组合。他们的音乐响彻深谷,将能量激活,并结合电音、通灵迪斯科、有机电子乐等,邀请观众畅游自然和宇宙。

Living in southern China, The Mountain Junkies (mountain addiction party) in the mountains near Dali is an excellent Chinese-French DJ group. Their music resounds through deep valleys, activates energy, and combines electronic music, psychic disco, organic electronic music, etc., to invite audiences to explore nature and the universe.

荷尔蒙小姐(The Hormones),来自成都的女子乐队,曾于2015年跻身《中国好歌曲》全国八强。她们受到多元化音乐的影响,成功地混合了舞曲、流行、cold wave等音乐元素,用音乐叙述着年轻人的单纯和复杂,表达着城市生活的繁复与压抑,她们忧郁且充满实验性的旋律将久久回荡。

The Hormones, a girl band from Chengdu, was among the top eight in China Good Songs in 2015. Influenced by diverse music, they successfully mixed elements of dance music, pop, cold wave, etc., using music to describe the simplicity and complexity of young people, and express the complexity and depression of urban life. Their melancholy and experimental melodies will reverberate for a long time.

Beijing Underground
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